FieldMi helps the company get accurate visual feedback directly from retail counters through sales reps or store managers rather than external resources and uses AI-assist in auditing and rating of VM execution quality.

Everything you need to ensure perfect brand visibility at retail outlets

- Target campaigns by store category and type
- Collect feedback against specific VM elements
- Easiest-to-use app to collect visual evidence from stores
- Reduce the cost of store audit to 1/5th
- Automate audit of VM campaigns with our machine learning algorithms
- Identify face counts of own and competitor's products

- Calculate display incentives from our Visual Merchandising Score
- Make a direct transfer of incentives
- Use our loyalty wallet to award redeemable reward points to run your loyalty program
- Let territory managers have market and store watch on the go
- Get trend and pattern view on specific VM elements
- Get aggregated campaign health score across the landscape

Each industry has specific needs which can not be met by generic field sales capabilities. We have designed industry specific workflows that you can pick, configure and adapt within a few days and start reaping full benefits from FIELDMI.

Highly Modular
You don’t have to buy the whole platform. Customers can choose one or more components to rollout and see the results first.

Scalable Design
Scalable, zero-code platform that allows for a high degree of configuration without requiring time & capital investments.

Rest easy with Enterprise-Grade security and compliance standards. Your data is yours to command.

Works Offline
Designed for poor and no connectivity areas. Sales teams can keep working as usual in no network areas, data syncs up when they come online.

Customer Success and Support
Dedicated customer success & support that handholds you to achieve your business goals consistently.

200+ Integrations
Use BeatRoute Matrix to create custom automations or exchange data with SAP, Oracle, SFDC, PowerBI, HRMS or any other system.
Customer Testimonials
We seek success in making our customers successful. Companies utilizing FIELDMI ifield sales application report direct, measurable, highly positive impact on their key business KPIs.

FieldMI Technologies Pvt Ltd
E-31,Gandharva Nagari,Dahanukar Colony,Kothrud,Pune-411037
Ph: 07722011669 / 09822968857
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